From Stuck to Unstoppable
How to Get Your Life Moving Forward
Have you ever felt like life’s got you in a headlock, and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t break free?
I’ve been there.
Especially over the last eight months. I’ve been feeling like I’m off my game-stuck in this holding pattern, unable to get myself to do the things that I should (and want to) be doing.
Interestingly enough, it all started with a big change in my life—I moved!
What’s funny is that I am incredibly happy that I moved and I love my new community. Of course, things aren’t perfect, but I’m so happy to be here.
Ever since I’ve been here, I’ve been struggling to keep up…struggling to feel like me.
So, why was I feeling this way?
I have to admit, my life isn’t hard.
It’s pretty sweet, actually. But the fact remained that lately, I’ve felt a bit lost, slightly broken, and hella confused.
I could not start (or finish) a project to save my life! Recipe testing? Forget it. And simple tasks like cleaning and cooking felt overwhelmingly hard to do.
On top of all that, the business was not businessing because of my lack of motivation.
When you have specific goals set out for yourself, this can be incredibly frustrating. Infuriating, even. And as the guilt, shame, and frustration build up, you start to tear yourself down.
No matter what I told myself or what I “knew” was the right thing to do, I was stuck in quicksand, unable to move.
Everyone says consistency is key.
And boy, was I consistent—consistently failing. It got to the point where I started to believe that maybe that’s just who I am. But deep down inside, I knew that wasn’t true. It felt like my ideal self was on the outside looking in, banging on the window of my soul, yelling, “Heeeeyy, you! You have so much potential, why don’t you do something?! Anything?! Why are you such a loser?”
I have a feeling that I am not alone here. In fact, I know I’m not.
If you are reading this, chances are that you’ve been feeling the same way too.
Or maybe, life has been handing you your fair share of crap sandwiches lately that have been dragging your spirit down.
So, what’s the solution? How do we get back on track and unstuck?
Admittedly, I’m not completely there yet, but I have made some changes in my life that are helping to move the needle forward. And as my good friend Nancy often says-it’s about progress, not perfection.
So, if you’ve been nodding your head “yes” as you’ve been reading, here are a few things for you to try to get yourself unstuck and moving in the right direction again:
1. Find Out What’s Really Going On
Sure, you can’t seem to get yourself to fold the laundry or finally start your new business, but why? What’s the root cause of your resistance or inaction?
Take some time to reflect and be honest with yourself on what might be causing your sense of stuckness.
Is it a change in environment, relationships, routine, or something deeper like a shift in your personal or professional goals?
Have some deep-seated limiting beliefs crept back up?
Sometimes, simply understanding what the source is can provide the clarity and direction you need to make a change.
Try This: If you're not sure why you're struggling, try journaling or just writing down your thoughts and feelings. Just let it all out with no filter. You might be surprised at what comes up. And if you're still not sure, that's okay too. Sometimes the answers come when you least expect them, like when you're out walking, taking a shower, or doing the dishes. Just let it go for a while, and clarity will find you.
2. Set Small, Achievable Goals
Once you’ve figured out why you’ve been feeling stuck, it’s time to set some small, super easy, and totally achievable goals.
Many people love habit stacking (found in the book, Atomic Habits), where you pair a new habit with an existing one- like your daily coffee with the gym.
But I find when I’m feeling this stuck, that doesn’t always work for me.
What does is keeping my goals super small and low stakes. We’re talking, “I’m going to finally wipe up that stain on the counter that’s been there for weeks!” small.
It might sound silly, but when you’re overwhelmed, these tiny, manageable goals will give you instant relief and help you build momentum.
Start with something simple, like organizing a single drawer, pulling up the covers on your bed everyday, or spending just 10 minutes on a passion project.
Achieving these small tasks will motivate you to take on bigger challenges.
This new "success spiral" will help you rebuild trust in yourself, something you might have lost along the way.
3. Create a Routine
I love the freedom to do what I want to do, when I want- BUT, there is something about having a routine that can provide structure and a sense of normalcy to your life.
And I’m not talking about those unattainable morning routines you see from your favorite influencer.
I’m talking about something fundamental that is actually doable and makes sense for your life. Something that will set you up for success every (or at least most) days.
A little structure can be good. It can help you stop wasting time on things that don’t move the needle forward for you.
*cough* doom scrolling *cough*
Try to establish a daily routine that includes time for things that fill you up and support who you want to be—whether that’s work, household chores, personal projects, relaxation, or fun. But keep it small and manageable.
Now, you may be saying, “Debbie, I’m lucky I can even get out of bed each day.”
That’s fine.
Again, you want to set yourself up for success, not t-up another failure. Just strive for a couple of things that you can do consistently each day.
As those things become part of your everyday routine, add one more if (and when) it feels right. Your newfound consistency will help reduce those feelings of chaos and disorder and replace them with an increased sense of self and accomplishment.
Here are just a few easy examples that you can start incorporating into your routine each day to build your own personal routine.
Remember to start small to get yourself back into the groove again:
Morning Stretch: Instead of scrolling on your phone, spend 5 minutes doing some light stretching right after you wake up. It’s a quick way to get your blood flowing and start your day with some movement. Believe me when I tell you that you really start to feel the effects of not stretching as the body ages. You young ones will thank me later if you start a stretching routine while you’re still young and keep your body flexible- seriously.
Tidy Up: Pick one small area, like your kitchen counter or your desk, and spend 10 minutes tidying it up. A clean space can make a big difference in your mood and productivity.
Daily Walk: Take a walk outside. It doesn’t have to be long, if 10 minutes is all you can do, that’s good. But getting some fresh air and a bit of exercise can do wonders for your mental and physical health.
Mini Meditation: Spend 5 minutes meditating or just sitting quietly, focusing on your breath. Don’t worry about being perfect- the act of doing is enough to make a difference. It’s a small commitment that can help center and calm your mind.
Fun Break: Schedule a 10-minute break to do something you enjoy. Whether it’s reading a few pages of a book, twerking to a hip hop classic, listening to your favorite song, or watching a funny video. Just give yourself something to look forward to each day.
4. Prioritize Yourself
Taking care of yourself is a non negotiable when trying to get back on track. We all know this by now, but why do we still push self-care to the back burner?
Sometimes, it’s because of cultural conditioning.
Many of us have been taught to value productivity over rest and feel guilty about taking time for ourselves. Plus, with our busy lives, it seems like there’s never enough time to get it all done.
Well, newsflash-you’re NEVER going to get it all done. So just throw that concern out the window.
But here’s the thing, self-care doesn’t have to be a big, fancy production- like spa days. It can be as simple as reading a couple of pages from a good book, unplugging from your device and listening to bird songs, or doodling just for fun.
Self-care also encompasses how you treat your physical body. Getting enough sleep, feeding your body nutritious foods, and moving your body (even just a little) are paramount.
Without this foundational piece, you won’t feel up to putting any extra energy into anything. You'll just have enough to barely get by.
Say it with me, prioritizing yourself is not a luxury—it’s a necessity.
5. Declutter Your Space
Okay, hear me out.
You’ve probably heard that a cluttered environment is often a sign of a cluttered mind.
It’s so true.
I’m not just saying this as a designer, but as someone who has experienced the benefits of clearing the energy in my space.
Decluttering is essential to allow in the energy of what you want in your life- no matter what it is.
Have you ever tried to think straight in a seriously cluttered environment?
For most, it’s nearly impossible. It’s the energy of chaos, not of clarity and flow. An organized and tidy environment can help you improve your focus and majorly reduce stress.
So, spend some time decluttering and organizing your living space. Don’t worry, if you love your stuff- no one’s asking you to become a minimalist if that’s not your thing.
And you don’t have to go full-on Marie Kondo. Remember, we’re just getting ourselves back in the game here, so, baby steps… take a couple of minutes each day to tackle one surface (like your nightstand) or group of items (like your nail polish).
If you need more help with this, join my friend's 5-Day Declutter Challenge to Manifest More. Even if you’re not necessarily looking to manifest anything in particular (but let’s be honest, aren't we all?) and just want to avoid another menty b from of all the clutter in your life, this challenge will help you clear your space, free your mind, and create an environment that works you rather than against you.
6. Reconnect with Your Passions
Now that you’ve cleared your mind and your space, created some routines, started achieving small goals, and started taking care of yourself again, you can move on to bringing the spark back.
As the great Oprah of Oz once said, “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."
Yeah, what she said.
Spend time doing things that ignite that little fire inside of you and bring you joy. Whether it’s a hobby you love, a creative project you’ve been meaning to start, or exploring something entirely new, these activities can bring a sense of fulfillment, excitement, and like Oprah said- power.
Finding and nurturing your passion can reignite your enthusiasm for life, giving you a renewed sense of purpose and drive.
It’s these moments of joy and inspiration that help you stay motivated and give you the energy to build your best life possible.
7. Celebrate Your Progress
Yes, yes, it’s a journey, my friend.
So you want to make sure that you acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way.
Because if we’re being honest here, pulling yourself out of the muck and the mire of life takes some guts- and not everyone is willing to do it.
Recognizing the progress that you’ve made will give you a much needed confidence boost and keep you inspired to achieve more.
I want you to know that you're not alone in this journey, and every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory.
You’ve got this, homie.